
My name is Jonathan Nelson.  I’ve played board and card games for over 20 years.  Of course like most people, I started out with Monopoly, UNO and the like.  I’ve avidly participated in RPGs and the like for at least as long.  I played every thing that I could, learning how to be a better player and it was then that my love for writing took shape.  I would often write stories on the games that I played, helping me to become a better DM.

Over the years, I got into collectible card games like Magic, Yu-gi-oh and the like, helping my love for games to grow even more.  During college, it seemed like I was always playing some type of game.  I’ve even began playing miniature games.  Admiring the humongous terrains that would be set up in the local game shops.  It was long after that I found Mage Knight and Heroclix, making my love for miniatures really affordable. Through the past several years, I started getting into more meatier games, games with more strategic elements.  I’ve even learned about lots of different types of games that I never new existed, Euro Games for example.  Becoming more rounded in gameplay, I realized what gaming was truly about.  Over the past year, I began taking to print and play productions.  Finding every game that looked interesting and trying my best to make a workable copy to play.  Of course, I’m no Picasso, so my crafting leaves much to be desired.  Still, I learned a lot from these games.

In February of 2014, I decided that I would take my hobby and my love for games to the next level.  I began this website that you’re looking at right now.  It is here that my hobby/obsession could be used to entertain, inform and promote games and the companies that make them.  Gaming is something I truly love doing and now being able to do this has made things so much more fun for myself.

A little bit about me personally.  I am married to my beautiful wife Rebekah.  We have 2 kids, Damion and Holly.  My son Damion is my best gaming critic.  He plays almost every time I game and he beats me a good bit of the time.  Holly is the youngest, but she’s already gotten the game bug, playing games like Candyland and the 3 Little Pigs.  Won’t be long and she’ll be wanting to play Lords of Waterdeep.  Currently we live in Jasper, Alabama which is a bit of a gaming black hole.  Thankfully I have good friends that I’m able to play with.  Their opinions are what help me to decide whether a game is good or not.  I’m pretty active on the Boardgamegeek site.  You can find me there with the username MillicanDarque (an old D&D character name).

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about either myself or the site, please feel free to contact me.

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